Management of Osteoporosis – Stretching

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Management of Osteoporosis – Stretchingmanagement of osteoporosis stretching

Stretching is important in any fitness routine and is important in the management of osteoporosis!

Stretching increases range of motion by lengthening the muscles surrounding the joints.

When your muscles are elongated, the joint is allowed to move more freely.

With more flexibility,  better posture can be achieved. Stretching also increases blood flow and helps reduce injuries.

It reduces injuries by allowing the muscles and joints to be move in a greater range without being pulled or stretched beyond their limits.

With osteoporosis and osteopenia, stretching can be a challenge because forward spinal flexion and spinal twisting are
movements that should be avoided to reduce the risk of fracture.

With a few modifications, major muscle groups can safely be stretched.

See the stretching video below to help you achieve all the benefits of stretching!

Proper Stretching Form with Osteoporosis

Perform these stretches 3 times a week.  Perform 3 sets of 30 seconds for each stretch, on each leg, and you are on your way to healthier joints, muscles and posture!