Weight Bearing Exercises and Osteoporosis

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Weight Bearing Exercises and Osteoporosis

Weight bearing exercises are an important part of an osteoporosis exercise program.  I am often asked which weight bearing activities are the best for osteoporosis.  In this article, I will discuss a few of the best weight bearing exercises for osteoporosis and how to add them into your daily routine.

Research has shown that while most weight bearing exercises do not increase bone density, they do help maintain it.  Weight bearing activities also help increase balance.  So in addition to a resistance exercise program, weight bearing exercises should be added to maximize bone density with osteoporosis and reduce fall risk.

With the repetitive pounding of weight bearing exercises, stress is put on the bones and bone density is maintained.

Weight bearing exercises include walking, jogging, hiking, dancing and climbing stairs.  Bicycling, elliptical machines and swimming do not apply pressure to the bones so are NOT weight bearing activities.

30 minutes of weight bearing aerobic activity, 4-6 days a week, is a good goal for people with osteoporosis and for preventing it.  Walking is a great weight bearing exercise for most people because it can be done anywhere and is free!  Therefore, I will focus on walking recommendations and how to fit this activity into your daily routine.

Walking Recommendations and Variations

When walking you should try to walk briskly. A brisk walk increases the amount of repetitive pounding that is experienced.  If you are an active individual and can jog or can mix jogging and walking , then you should aim to do so.weight bearing exercises

Always challenge yourself little by little to do more and put more stress on your bones with weight bearing aerobic exercises.

If you are unable to walk regularly, then begin by marching in place at home.  Try to reach 30 minutes a day 4-6 days a week.

In addition to bone density benefits, research found that a walking program can increase balance which will in turn decrease the chances of falling.14

Decreased fall risk equates to decreased fracture risk!!

Daily Routine

Brisk walking can be incorporated into your daily routine by walking quickly to and from the parking lot. Walk at an increased pace while in the grocery store or running errands. Whenever you are walking, attempt to walk as fast as you can safely to get the most benefit.

When you have the option to use stairs while running errands or at work, then do so as long as you can safely. Climbing stairs is another great weight bearing activity. Every little bit adds up!

If you don’t feel you are getting in 30 minutes of weight bearing aerobic activity throughout your day, then make a point to set aside time.  March in place while watching the news. Find a small step that you can step up and down from safely at home during your favorite television show.  Schedule time for a brisk walk when your day allows time for it.

No matter what your activity level is, aim to improve it slowly and safely. Challenging yourself daily will challenge and strengthen your bones!


Indoor Weight Bearing Cardio Video Course





15 Minute Weight Bearing Cardio Exercise Video

Try this video out if you are a beginner or want a lighter workout for the day!


Strong BONE Minutes

I started something on TikTok and YouTube called STRONG BONE MINUTES! Get in your minutes of bone healthy moves with these videos!  Every minute adds up!



Strong Bone Minutes









If you are able to safely, jumping is a great high impact activity that is easy to add to your routine in addition to walking and resistance training. While most of us do not jump on a regular basis, adding jumps is a great way to get a greater impact through your bones.  This impact will encourage bone density to increase.

Start by adding a few jumps daily and increase from there as you are able.  Work your way up to 25 jumps a day.  You can perform squat jumps or mini-jumps depending on your ability. .

If you are unable to jump then you can stand in place and march in place with force to increase stress on the bone. Try to increase to marching in place 40 marches a day.

Below is a video about how to properly squat jump, mini jump and march in place to increase bone density.

Everyone’s routine and abilities are different, but weight bearing exercises can be easy to add. Walking, marching, stepping up and down on a small step, and jumping are all free activities that can be modified for different fitness levels. Be safe and start slow, but add some weight bearing aerobic activity into your routine to help increase your bone density!


More Weight Bearing Exercise Variations!

Check out this video for more variations using a small aerobic step! This can be used in place of jumping/marching or done for 20-30 minutes to get in your weight bearing cardio for the day!




Learn MORE!

What is Osteoporosis and What are the Risks?

Osteoporosis and the Spine

Movements to Avoid When You Have Osteoporosis

Home Modifications to Prevent Fractures from Falls