Proper Exercise Form

Upper and Lower Body Form with Exercise

When performing any upper body exercise, in addition to having good standing and sitting posture, make sure your shoulders remain down and pulled back while moving your arms to pull resistance bands.

Your head and neck should remain in neutral position and should not jut forward.

Do not let your shoulders creep upwards toward your ears.  Do not let your upper back round so your shoulders come forward.

If you can’t maintain shoulders down and back with head and neck in neutral position while exercising, a lighter band should be used.


As with upper body exercises, when performing lower body exercises it is important to tighten your core and keep shoulders down and back with head and neck in neutral position.

In addition, when in the squat position make sure your knees are behind your toes.  Never go too low into squat position.  In other words, don’t bend your knees below 90 degrees.

It is also important to have your feet hip width apart before beginning to squat.  As you squat down be aware that your knees are staying in line with your hips and feet and not buckling inward or bowing outward.

When performing any jumping activities keep your core tight and feet hip width apart.  Land with soft knees, allowing knees to bend when landing.

Check out my videos below for proper squat form and proper jumping form demonstrations.