Exercises to Avoid with Osteoporosis

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Exercises to Avoid with Osteoporosisexercises to avoid with osteoporosis

With osteoporosis it is important to avoid movements, activities and exercises that can put you at greater risk of a fracture.

Spinal flexion (bending forward) and spinal rotation (twisting side to side) put your spine at greater risk of fracturing.  Avoid the following exercises that put you at risk.

Abdominal crunches – require spinal flexion (forward bending of the spine).

Weight machines that make you bend to get in and out of them – many can require spinal flexion and spinal rotation to get in and out.

Do not do the exercise shown below with free weights or with resistance bands.  In this exercise, you are holding resistance out in front of your body with arms fully extended.  This puts great FLEXION forces on your spine, and it is difficult to maintain a neutral spine. The risks are greater than the benefits.


do not do with osteoporosis


In addition, replace exercises that do NOT put stress and weight through your bones (non-weightbearing exercises) with exercises that do.

While ellipticals are technically weight bearing there are better options for your bones, and you can find out more on HERE!

Replace biking, ellipticals and swimming with exercises such as walking, jogging, dancing, hiking or stair climbing.


A final tip:  Be sure to lift heavy enough weight when resistance training because light weight will not build bone density!!

Avoid lifting too heavy which can compromise your form and posture causing injury.

Find your HAPPY medium to maintain posture but challenge your muscles and bones.


By performing the correct movements and exercises and avoiding those that can cause you harm, you can safely increase bone density and improve your bone health!


ALSO, check out this machine that should be AVOIDED by EVERYONE!!




Check out the articles below:

Osteoporosis Research and References

What is Osteoporosis and What are the Risks?

3 Common Treatments for Osteoporosis?

Core Activation

Osteoporosis and Weight Bearing Exercises 

Movements to Avoid When You Have Osteoporosis

6 Tips to Prevent Falls at Home When You Have Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis and the Spine

Proper Posture