Physical Therapist for Osteoporosis – About Me

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Physical Therapist for Osteoporosis

I created OsteoProFitness using my education and experience as a licensed Physical Therapist so everyone can have

access to physical therapy for osteoporosis!

OsteoProFitness is a comprehensive, research-based, bone building exercise course, but it is also an informational website and supportive community!

My exercise course is for all fitness levels and ages.  It is affordable, easy to learn, and easy to add into your daily routine!

Here’s the story of how OsteoProFitness was born!

About Me

It’s so nice to meet you!  Let me introduce myself!physical therapy for osteoporosis

My name is Jenny Samuelson, and I’m the author and founder of OsteoProFitness.

The first thing you need to know about me is that I’m super passionate about fitness!  I have been my whole life!

I earned my undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Kinesiology from Houston Baptist University.  Shortly after, I became a certified personal trainer.

I love sharing my passion and gift for exercise.  Therefore, in 2010 I earned my Doctorate of Physical Therapy at Texas Woman’s University.


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Me and The Fight Against Osteoporosis

I enjoy being a physical therapist.  As a result, I often help my friends and family with their fitness or physical therapy issues.

In the summer of 2016, a doctor diagnosed my mom with osteoporosis.

Around the same time, I began to have unexplainable breathing issues and was on round after round of steroids.

The main thing I knew about steroids was that they are bad for your bones!

Exercise LightbuldBetween wanting to help my mom and concern for my own bones, I  jumped in using my education and training to design us a program!

Because I knew exercise could help bones, and I wanted to maximize those results through a targeted workout routine!

I NEVER have been the type to accept the status quo and accept things for what they are!  I wanted to be proactive about my bone health!

So, from my education as a physical therapist and the many research articles I reviewed about osteoporosis and exercise, I realized I could help SO MANY people (not just me and my family) by sharing this knowledge!

Doctors who diagnose osteoporosis offer hormones and calcium supplements, but VERY, VERY, RARELY mention anything about exercise!!!!

Some were recommending “exercise” as a treatment for osteoporosis, but then failed to give much detail about what “exercise” means.

When I tried to dig deeper, I couldn’t find an existing workout program that I felt comfortable sharing with my mom.


Osteoporosis Exercise Treatment

I could MAKE me and my mom an exercise program on my own! That’s when I dove deep into the research!!

The amount of scientific research on exercise and osteoporosis blew me away!

For example, a big problem for NASA and their astronauts is bone loss.  NASA has been doing a significant amount of research on the impacts of exercise on bone health.  They found astronauts’ bone formation increased with simulated weight bearing and resistance exercises allowing bone density to be maintained.2

I combined results from NASA with all the other amazing research I found and created a research-based exercise course for me and my mom!

This course would improve bone density and overall health!

Next, I taught my mom about proper form and posture.  After this, I gave her an effective osteoporosis-specific exercise routine that is easy to learn.
Then, she was ready to start!

While I am an avid exerciser, my mom is not! I simply tweaked my routine for bone building.

With my mom, I had to teach her it all!   After 6 weeks, my mom understood how to exercise safely and effectively and now continues with this routine as she ages!

She has been able to easily integrate the new exercise routine into her daily life!

With the routine I created, she is able to take her exercise equipment (resistance bands) with her wherever she travels.  No matter where she is, she can keep her routine consistent which is key for osteoporosis exercise treatment!

Helping Others Fight Osteoporosis with Exercise

After helping my mom, I realized my exercise program could help many people who need guidance on safely exercising to build bone!

Exercise is a critical element in managing osteoporosis.  A sedentary lifestyle is our enemy!  Unfortunately, doctors are not sharing detailed exercise information with their patients.

Patients like my mom need exercise guidance on questions like . . .

  •  I’ve never exercised before so can I do it?
  • How often should I be exercising?
  • What types of exercises should I be doing?
  • What types of exercises should I avoid?
  • How many repetitions and sets should I do?
  • How do I work out and stay safe when I have osteoporosis?

So, I decided to create a resource for people like YOU!  I want to answer these specific questions and MORE!  YOU CAN do it and I can help!

Exercise is a crucial treatment component that is being overlooked!  A good osteoporosis exercise treatment program includes weight bearing exercises, resistance exercises, balance, flexibility, posture strengthening, daily activity modification and home modification for fall prevention.

Therefore, my #1 goal with OsteoProFitness is to change the approach of osteoporosis treatment and offer everyone the knowledge that I have on physical therapy for osteoporosis!

I provide ONE resource people can look at to better understand their condition.  My OsteoProFitness course is ONE comprehensive, osteoporosis-specific workout routine.

I  walk you through everything step by step.  My exercise plan has improved my mom’s health and quality of life, and I want to pass that along to YOU!

I will answer all your questions and MORE!


Email any questions to!!




Keep reading and learning with these articles:

Osteoporosis Research and References

What is Osteoporosis and What are the Risks?

3 Common Treatments for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis and Weight Bearing Exercises

Core Activation

Movements to Avoid When You Have Osteoporosis

6 Tips to Prevent Falls at Home When You Have Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis and the Spine

Exercises to Avoid

Proper Posture