Osteoporosis and Ellipticals

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Osteoporosis and Ellipticals

Osteoporosis and Ellipticals

Find out about osteoporosis sand ellipticals here!

If you have ever wondered if getting in your cardio on an elliptical machine is good for osteoporosis, then this is the article for you!


Strength Training is QUEEN when it comes to bone building with exercise!!

But in second place is weight bearing cardio exercise.

Since you are standing upright and supporting your body weight on an elliptical, it can technically be considered weight bearing.

BUT it is NOT as effective as walking, running, step ups, etc.



The elliptical machine is designed to take the impact OFF of your joints.  This is not good for bone building with osteoporosis.

Everyone has different circumstances and limitations. If you do have joint issues and need to use the elliptical, then it is a good option for you!

Otherwise, I recommend more effective bone building exercises.

STRENGTH TRAINING is #1!!  Then weight bearing cardio options such as walking, running, step ups, stairs, dance aerobics, impact aerobics, etc. are a great addition!!